
Why Bibtex?

  • Don't worry about formatting the bibliography.
  • Avoid retyping the same references.
  • Mangage your references in an efficient way.

  • Quick Start

    1. Put the following two lines right above the \end{document}

  • Commonly used bib style: abbrv, alpha, plain, unsrt You can find the examples and difference of those styles HERE.
  • "library" is the file name of the bib file. You can use directory path here. For example, \bibliography{../Math/Paper/library}. If it doesn't work, which might be the case for Windows, you just copy the library.bib file to your current directory.

  • 2. To refer a paper in your tex file, use command
    where Chen.L;Xu.J2004 is the bib index. The corresponding bib term in library.bib is:

    Author = {Long Chen and Jinchao Xu},
    Journal = {Journal of Computational Mathematics},
    Pages = {299-308},
    Title = {Optimal {Delaunay} triangulations},
    Volume = {22(2)},
    Year = {2004}}

    3. Compiling your tex file.
  • latex yourfile
  • bibtex yourfile
  • latex yourfile
  • latex yourfile

  • Somehow you have to latex your tex file twice after the bibtex command.
    More instruction can be found at Google.


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